Secrets To Get Incredible Testimonials From Your Customers

How To get amazing testimonials in your Business?

Are you ready to get some great testimonials so you have something to share with people, to tell the world how amazing you are at what you do?

When you start getting testimonials, other people see them and they get excited about what you can do for them, they see there's hope.

So we're going to be talking about:

  1. How do you even get a testimonial from a client?

  2. The 5 questions that you need to be asking your client to get the best testimonial from them.

So are you ready? Are you ready to get some amazing testimonials coming in the door so that more people can see what you do? Have more people wanting to work with you?

There are so many ways that you can use the compliments once you have them documented.

  • You can post them on social media.

  • You can put them on your website.

  • You can use them during your webinars.

  • You can use them during an event that you're having.

So you need to have some strong testimonials coming in your door so that you can serve more people, people can see what you can really do for them, and then you don't feel like you're selling so much of yourself, but others are selling for you because they're selling the results that you've helped them get.

Makes sense? All right, so let's dive in!

So how do you get a testimonial?

First of all, you have to ask!

You have to be willing to ask for a testimonial.

So in those moments when your clients are celebrating some big success that they have had, or they're like, “Oh my goodness, thank you so much. You've given me the breakthrough that I needed today.” In those moments, Ask.

You know, maybe not during the middle of a coaching session, but when you get to the end, say, “Hey, would you be available to stay on for a couple of minutes and share your experience so that others can hear it? Would you be willing to give me a testimonial about what you just shared with me?”

Because when they're already in that feeling when they're already sharing that with you, they're going to give you a much better testimonial than if you just catch them at some random time when they might be having a bad day or feel like it's just one more thing they have to do.

But when they're in that moment and they're already excited and they're already thanking you, just ask. Don't be afraid to. Because they are there, they're sharing it with you, and it's so much easier to share what others have helped you with than to say certain things about yourself.

There are different ways you can get feedback, but testimonial videos are, So Good! They are the thing that is going to help you when you're doing an event or doing a webinar and you can play those. It makes a big impact.

The second best way is to get it in a written format. Have them post it on your LinkedIn, your business page, Facebook, or Google.

5 questions to ask to get an amazing testimonial

Write these down. Put them in your notes so that the next time you are doing an interview or you are asking a client to give a testimonial you have these at hand.

1) what were you struggling with before we started working together?

First, you're getting them to tell people what was their starting point. What was going on for them before they even started working with you in their own words?

You can do so much with what they say here… like use this in your marketing language in the future.

Getting feedback directly from your clients in their words of what their struggles were, is key to helping others see and connect to what they were going through. Then the right fit prospect is going to think “I feel that too.” And the people who you are meant to serve, the people who are going through those similar struggles are going to feel more connected to that person and the results that they got from working for you.

2) what are the two most impactful things that you got from our time together?

So you're making them think about what made the biggest impact, what gave them the best results? What were the things got from working with you that they could not have done on their own?

You're asking them the two most impactful things that they got from your time together.

3) how is your life better AFTER having worked with me?

How is your life better? What results have you gotten from this?

This is when they get to share how it has impacted them, what has changed in their life, and what results they have gotten so that they're sharing in their own words how powerful it was to work with you.

4) why would you recommend that someone else invest In WORKing with me?

Now that may feel awkward to ask. It probably does the first time, but it is something others need to hear. I've had clients come back and say, “You know, I am so glad I made that investment when I didn't think I was ready.” And hearing them say that and hearing the struggle they were going through in trying to make that decision, other people need to hear that too because you have clients that are in that same situation. They're like, “Hmm, I don't know if I should have invested.” And now when they're like, “Oh my God, I'm so grateful that I invested when I needed to”.

And someone else can hear it from their words, not yours that's going to help them make that decision, that's going to help push them over the edge of thinking, “Is it going to work? Is it worth the investment?”

Because it is an investment in them. It's an investment in themselves to help them improve, to help them do the things that they want to do, that you help them with.

So don't be afraid to ask the question because hearing it in the words of your client and what they think and if it was worth the investment for them is so good.

5) was working with me a worthwhile investment and why?

Let them tell your people if it was worthwhile.

This is going to have a huge impact on your testimonials. Getting this information from your clients is going to help you be even better at what you do.

It's going to open up more doors for you, because now you have people that you've helped that share their experience, and other people are going to connect with that and be like, yes, I want that same experience!

So I want to hear what your next testimonial is!!

Share it with us! Put it into the comments, and tell us how many you've gotten after doing this process!

I cannot wait to hear.

If you are struggling to figure out who you should be working with or where to find clients, we are here to help. You can set up a Jumpstart Your Business Strategy Call here now to get clarity and your next step for your business.